“Been there, done that” matters for energy solution providers

Developing business solutions requires a high level of industry know-how. Stonebridge’s energy solutions are the direct result of our consulting experience, derived from completing hundreds of engagements with companies of all sizes, as well as from our industry experience as energy professionals on both the business and IT sides of the house.

Our solutions are designed with a single goal in mind: Enabling our clients to see revenue-enhancing results in the shortest time. Equally important, we engineer our solutions to provide a solid foundation for sustained operational efficiency and productivity over time.


Move energy data from everywhere to anywhere all at once.

Faced with managing exploding data volumes with underpowered data management tools, ORBit changes the big data transformation game. Effortlessly move vast volumes of data from a multitude of data sources, transform, and cross load into destination systems as part of enterprise software implementation or upgrades to cut typical project time by 50%.
For mergers and acquisitions, ORBit accelerates post-M&A integration, shrinking TSA costs and enabling your team to onboard assets in record time.
Built on the cloud, Orbit is designed for scale, reliability, and speed. Ideally suited to tackle today’s toughest data challenges involving large and disparate datasets, including data science, AI, and machine learning.


EnerHub by Aunsight

Power better energy decisions with a single version of the truth.

From incomplete and inaccurate data to lack of standards and multiple versions of the truth, energy companies without a robust information management and governance strategy are running their business on bad data. EnerHub deploys multifaceted technology on the cloud to reach into your data ecosystem, quality check, and distribute golden records and a single version of the truth across apps and databases.
With 50+ data connectors to ERP, hydrocarbon accounting, and other energy software, EnerHub builds a digital gathering system from many systems of record. Using out of the box and user defined business rules, EnerHub empowers data stewards to automate the merging and validation of data from publishing sources then orchestrate the flow of golden records to subscribing systems.
Establish the robust data governance your team needs to thrive in the digital oilfield, ensure data quality with data stewards in the loop, and drive better, safer, and more profitable energy decision making.



Optimize Oilfield Inventory, Boost Your Cash Flow

With decades of experience in the oilfield supply chain, Stonebridge has established that on average most operators have 5% of surplus equipment and materials sitting on their books.  Rationalizing and monetizing these assets requires the right mix of people, process, and technology.  By tapping into the Stonebridge ecosystem of expertise and digital solutions, your team will know where to start, rapidly value assets, and drop surplus sales to your bottom line. 

Stonebridge’s hands-on approach brings in best practices across the oil & gas value chain to evaluate potential targets and model strategies based on your plan, whether that’s to dispose of assets quickly or hold for better valuation. 


Implementation and optimization accelerators for Peloton® Software.

Stonebridge’s Peloton® Ready solutions include a range of products and professional services – from implementation accelerators to day-to-day administrative support for WellView®, RigView®, SiteView®, and ProdView® environments. Each of our service offerings is designed to help our clients get the most out of their well and drilling data management software.

As trusted oil and gas business and technology advisers, we understand how Peloton software is optimally used at upstream companies, and we use that knowledge to fully exploit the software’s benefits for our clients. Our hands-on experience coupled with our Peloton Ready accelerators enables us to help you throughout the pre- and post-implementation phases by applying best practices in software configuration, optimization and data management. What’s more, we work closely with Peloton to align our services with their software philosophy.

We are committed to driving measurable results.

Our Peloton Ready accelerators helped an operator refine surface and downhole operations by optimizing its SiteView and WellView environments.

EnerHub pre-built connectors cut integration costs by 60% for a Texas-based operator, synchronizing data across 13 systems, including commercial and custom applications.

We helped one of the largest U.S. independent operators migrate operational data for 11,000 wells from its daily reporting system to WellView.

We helped a Denver-based E&P company roll out a production master data management (MDM) solution in under five months.

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